Membership Training Opportunities

The mission of the Junior League centers on providing effective training to all members. Throughout the year members are eligible to participate in conferences to fine tune or learn new skills that they can use in their community. The Junior League of Long Island also provides in house member trainings such as our annual leadership training, financial literacy trainings as well as guest speakers.

The Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) also offers Civic Leadership Development training and networking opportunities through live critical lead workshops, self-paced learnings and cohort programs. AJLI hosts several conferences where members across the organization can come together for valuable learning opportunities. These conferences are ODIs, Winter Forums, and Annual Conference. Members are also able to access hundreds of presentations and trainings virtually with access through AJLI. As part of our ongoing commitment to developing the leader in every woman, we provide learning opportunities for all Junior League Members.



Organizational Development Institutes (or ODIs) are AJLI leadership development meetings that provide Junior League members with mission-based training in key areas critical to the healthy functioning of a League.

At ODIs, delegates build organizational capacity by learning about:

  • innovative approaches to developing Junior League members as effective volunteer leaders in their communities
  • powerful ways to design community programs and partnerships that have significant impact
  • strategies for sustainable and diversified fund development
  • keys to building strong internal operational controls
  • new approaches that enable the League to be governed strategically and effectively
  • ways to build relationships, engagement and understanding through marketing and communications
  • leading The Junior League to be more diverse and inclusive

ODIs also provide a unique opportunity to meet members of other Leagues and share/discuss best practices.


  • Members serving in, about to serve in or interested in leadership roles in the League
  • Members interested in organizational development, professional development and learning to be an effective community leader


With five intensive learning tracks, attendees spend two days diving deeply into the topic of their choice. Their magic combination of instructor-led sessions with facilitated round tables will help you go from theory to action while connecting you with your peers.

This is going to be a great experience for our members to enhance their leadership roles by coming together with like-minded women from other Leagues to learn, share and continue our Mission.


Would you like to learn more? Please contact If you’re interested in applying please apply using THIS FORM.